The National Committee for Effective Literacy uplifts research, policies, and practices to ensure that English learners/emergent bilinguals leave school as proficient readers and writers in English — and preferably more languages — and who thrive and succeed in school and their communities.
Voices from the Field: Impact of the Implementation of the Science of Reading Instruction and Policy on Emergent Bilingual/English Learner Literacy Programs and Teachers
By Dr. Kathy Escamilla and Dr. Kimberly Strong
Voices from the Field: The Impact of the Implementation of the Science of Reading Initiatives on Emergent Bilingual/English Learner Literacy Programs and Teachers
On February 24, 2025, NCEL and the Center for Applied Linguistics hosted a webinar to launch our new Voices from the Field report. Speakers included Diep Nguyen, Martha Hernandez, Shelly Spiegel-Coleman, Kathy Escamilla, and Kimberly Strong, as well as panelists Beatriz Chate, WendySue Clausson, Maureen Kuhn-Rojas, and Julie Nora.
Voices from the Field: What Educators Are Saying About the Implementation of the Science of Reading Policies for Emergent Bilinguals/English Learners
When: Monday, February 24, 1:00pm PT/4:00pm ET
Dr. Kathy Escamilla, U of Colorado School of Education
Dr. Kimberly Strong, U of Colorado BUENO Center for Multicultural Education
Join NCEL and the Center for Applied Linguistics for a webinar to launch a landscape report on the impact of the implementation of the Science of Reading policies on those who educate multilingual learners across the country.
Visit the resources page for more information and related materials like executive summaries,
PowerPoints, and handouts.
NCEL and The Reading League have released a joint statement clarifying the Science of Reading for English Learner (EL)/Emergent Bilingual (EB) students. Click here to read Understanding the Difference: The Science of Reading and Implementation for English Learners/Emergent Bilinguals (ELs/EBs).
More information and sign-on information may be found on The Reading League Compass.
Early Literacy Development and Instruction for Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Education
Socorro G. Herrera, Martha I. Martinez, Laurie Olsen,
and Sonia Soltero
Click the play button to view the webinar recording
Effective Literacy Instruction for Multilingual Learners:
What it is and What it Looks Like
Webinar, September 21, 2022
Maha Abdelkader, Ana DeGenna, Kathy Escamilla, Aloise Miller, Laurie Olsen, Bitnara Jasmine Park, and Lillie Ruvalcaba
Toward Comprehensive Effective Literacy Policy and Instruction for English Learner/Emergent Bilingual Students
Kathy Escamilla, Laurie Olsen, and Jody Slavick
Questions or Comments?
Please email us at: [email protected]